Improve Access


We partner with local churches or Christian organisations to open new schools for children of conflict.

Served from Scratch create access to quality education in areas of conflict and extreme poverty around the world through the local church.

Through research and documentation of best practice, community engagement, and local partners, we help church leaders identify real educational needs and the best way forward to meet those needs.

and Support

Served from Scratch equips non- educators to become new school directors who can go on to train new teacher from the community. It introduces them to a network of ongoing long-term mentoring and support.

Partnership development

New or existing networks of churches respond to communities in areas of conflict.

Assessment and project design.

Services committed to project design driven by continued research and ground assessment. We accomplish this through training and ongoing support of local teams that collect and analyse data.


Training materials and context driven methodology

We continually develop and share educational tools that equip project coordinators, school directors, and teachers from among our partners. Follow-up provides ongoing support to assure adequate training, implementation and evaluation of student outcomes.

MERL (Monitoring, Evaluation, Research and Learning)

We continually learn from our projects and adapt our programs accordingly.

Knowledge management

Served publishes and shares our findings to promote our work and foster further collaboration with interested stakeholders, including other churches or Christian organisations engaged in education for conflict-affected communities.

  • “The hopes of a generation will be dashed if they cannot return to classrooms.

    United Nations UNHCR Report

  • “Local faith communities and faith leaders contribute to saving lives, defending rights and giving spiritual sustenance”